Tag Archives: Orange County | High School Senior Portraits

Kelsey | Orange County Photographers | High School Senior Portraits
Kelsey UMMMMM, you are nothing short of amazing. You WILL rock the modeling industry one day. Thank you for givingView full post »

Brian | Orange County Photographers | High School Senior Portraits | Headshots
Brian is going to be an actor! He wanted headshots and we ended up shooting him for over two hours! He was so muchView full post »

Tip Tuesday | Orange County Photographers | High School Seniors
So we like to mix it up a bit as you can tell! We thought an inspiration board of lovely colors would help inspire theView full post »

Kendyll | Orange County | High School Senior Portraits
Kendyll you are such a beautiful person inside and just look at you on the outside! HOLY SMOKES!!!! We had such aView full post »

Zuri | Orange County | High School Senior Portraits
Zuri was a 2013 San Clemente Grad. She is off to beauty school now, how fun!!! Her family did family portraits but weView full post »

Brittney | Orange County | High School Senior Portraits
Don’t let her sweet smile fool you, this girl is a SERIOUS softball player, she gets dirty! Although it was a joyView full post »

Amazing Athena | Orange County | High School Senior Portraits
So, to say that we had fun on our shoot with Athena would be a complete understatement. I am pretty sure we didn’View full post »

Miss Kayla | Orange County | High School Senior Portraits
We had the pleasure of photographing Kayla this summer, and we sure did have a blast. UM can you say awesome wardrobeView full post »